
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Auditing Ethics among Public Accountants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Auditing Ethics among Public Accountants - Essay ExampleHowever, examineing or witness is the only professional service for which listeners have a legal monopoly and the right to place restrictions on the invent of practice. Professional associations are therefore unable to dictate the organizational forms through which auditing services, such as task preparation and consulting, are provided.In the past few years several publicly held consolidators, including American talk and H&R Block, entered the public accounting system market by acquiring the attestation practices of Auditor potents. devoted that the achieveance of attestation engagements is restricted to traditional Auditor firms, the consolidators developed a variety of approaches that allow the Auditor firm and the financial services corporation to legally coexist subsequent to the consolidation of their practices. In cases similar American Express, the employees of the Auditor firm work for the consolidator corpor ation, and the Auditor practice leases office space and employees from the corporation to perform attestation engagements. In other cases like H&R Block, the employees continue to work for the Auditor firm and are leased on an as-needed basis to the consolidator corporation. ... Questions arise over issues such as appropriate salary schemes for partners with dual employment status, potential financial relationships between the public corporation and audit clients of the Auditor firm, and whether independence requirements should be extended to non-Auditor supervisors of Auditor employees (ISB 2003). Because it can be argued that, in substance, public corporations are performing audit engagements, at a recent New York State Board of Regents Conference on the Professions, the public accounting profession was criticized for allowing audits to be performed through these types of organizational arrangements (Huefner 2000). Previous discussions of the consolidation movement focus primari ly on the implications of APS arrangements for auditor independence (Huefner 2004). This article suggests that corporate ownership poses additional threats to Auditor professionalism and ethics. For example, if consolidation places Auditors under the useful control of nonprofessional managers of publicly owned corporations, it may place greater emphasis on commerce and profitability, in lieu of traditional professional values such as objectivity and integrity. As consolidators enkindle in size and influence, they may adopt strategies aimed at modifying accepted standards of performance in public accounting.

Discovery and Meaningful Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discovery and purposeful Learning - evidence ExampleThe sessions of discovery breeding incorporate three key ideas including problem solving, discoverer management, integrating and connecting (Harari & Legge, 2000, p. 20). caper solving motivates learners to come up with solutions by generalizing knowledge and pull information together. Learner management allows participants, in small teams, or al hotshot to learn at their own pace in their own ways. integration and connecting encourage new knowledge integration into the existing knowledge base of the learner, which helps in connecting to the real world. Meaningful Learning According to Harari and Legge (2000), significant tuition means that learned knowledge, for instance, a fact becomes fully silent by a person and the person knows how the fact relates to the stored facts in the mind-set. It is expedient to contrast meaningful learning and rote learning learning, which is much less desirable, for us to understand the conc ept. Rote learning involves memorizing something with no full understanding, and hotshot does non know how the kin between the new information and the stored knowledge. For instance, let us say we learn five facts in a course during a term or a semester through rote learning. The five facts learned have a relationship in real life, but they are stored in retentivity as separate items. The brain stores the facts as distinct unrelated information that can be retreated individually when a student learns them through rote learning. When the student recalls one of the five facts, he, or she does not recall the other four facts at that moment. This means that when the student thinks of fact A, the thought does not winding him/her to think of fact B-E. We can illustrate this as follows. The facts learned seem to have no relationship between them at all, yet close examination reveals a relationship of the facts. Meaningful learning contrasts with rote learning in that what a student l earns, even if they are different facts in a course, he/she can relate as the facts have a relational manner in the storage memory. The brain stores the facts together since they have relationship (Harari & Legge, 2000, p. 37). When the student recalls one of the facts, he or she will also recall the other facts at the same time, or a short time afterwards. This means that recalling fact E, triggers the memory for the other facts, B and D, which in turn leads to the recalling of fact A and C. We refer to this phenomenon as spread of activation. This is what entails meaningful learning. A student who learns by meaningful learning can solve problems in an easier way than the one who learns by rote learning. Thus, we find the value of meaningful learning a way of learning that relates facts serving one to solve problems related rather than treating problems differently, which have a relationship. The figure below shows how meaningful learning happens. Discovery learning makes sure tha t the brains of the learners become engaged during all learning times. Thus, this learning method, although it accelerates the process of education, it leads to higher(prenominal) retention levels than traditional approaches of learning. There are certain benefits of discovery learning including condensed training

Monday, April 29, 2019

Assess the relationship between the balance of payments framework and Essay

Assess the relationship between the balance of payments simulation and exchange rate - Essay ExampleFor example, if there is U.S. dollar devaluation against other international currencies, then the unite States exports will augment, and imports will reduce (Moffett, Stonehill & Eiteman, 2011).In turn, this will lead to surplus in the accredited account, thence enhancing balance of payments. A higher exchange rate makes a nations imports cheaper and exports more dearly-won in international markets. A higher rate of exchange may be anticipated to demoralize balance of trade of a country, whereas a lower rate of exchange would augment it. There is a higher correlation between exchange rate, inflation and interest rates. In order to stimulate frugal growth, monetary authorities change interest rates, thus affecting exchange rates and inflation. Higher rates of interest lure foreign investment and cause rate of exchange to increase. When there is a current account deficit, countrie s tend to increase the demand for foreign coin. Increase in demand of overseas currency lowers the exchange rate (Connolly,

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Melamine poisoning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Melamine poisoning - Research Paper ExampleThey ar not much bother about the safety of the consumers.China milk poisoning incidents make e rattlingone agoraphobic to look at the daily news report. Every day, the reports are changing. No one can intelligibly tell us what to eat and not to eat (Smsasad). Even in baby solid food items carrefour manufacturers are using some harmful chemicals in order to keep the baby foods secure for a longer period and also to make it tastier. China is one country which keeps no ethics or morality in business practices. They are producing in bulk without bothering much about the quality of their products in order to compete effectively in the market. Even in baby milk, manufactured by the Chinese business people, many of the harmful chemical ingredients were found recently.Melamine is a basic organic chemical intermediate, with chemical formula C3H6N6. It is commonly produced from urea, and contains 66 percent nitrogen by mass. Nitrogen is a very i mportant building stone of all living beings. The element is an essential ingredient of proteins, which make up most of the human body that isnt bone or water. As such, making nitrogen meter is a common practice for protein content estimation. The Kjeldahl and Dumas testing methods are the standard tests used in the food industry for measuring total nitrogen in crude protein content while they can be misguided by adding nitrogen-rich compounds such as melamine (Milk Poison Could Come From Melamine Scrap)Even though, melamine has much other industrial use, it is never adviced to use with food items. The detection of melamine in Chinese infant milk products has created many concerns about the safety of using Chinese food items. This paper in short analyses the Melamine poisoning in Chinese milk production.Melamine contains 66% nitrogen by mass. It is organise in the body of some mammals through some natural or biological process. It is used astray to produce thermosetting plastics .

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Use of social networks for financial and performance reporting Research Paper

work of goods and services of fond networks for financial and performance coverage - Research Paper ExampleThis research analyses how the financial reporting and organizations performance have improved for the past few years because of increased use of affable networking.Inescapabilty and popularity of the social network has largely created awareness and improved the relationship between the business and the stakeholders by introducing a fresh way in which financial information is disseminated and eventually consumed.Companies primarily use the social media to report their performances so that the information can reach larger audience who may be interested. Information that was previously released in news releases, conference calls and presentations are revealed through twitter because of its ability to swiftly and efficiently receive and parcel of land information from a trusted source. There are live tweets of companies earning call enabling shareholders who are physically ab sent during call to receive live information. According to Scott (2013), Of Facebooks nearly one billion tight users, approximately 200 million are mobile only.On the other hand, YouTube, and Flickr may be employ in providing videos regarding earning calls, do presentations thus engaging investors with the business financial reports as well as share-out information such as crucial business transactions that include merger and acquisition. It is worth noting that the social network has the ability to reach even remote communities thus enabling the company to operate in distant and remote places while raising awareness about them. There are many reasons justifying the use of social media in financial reporting and performance.Social medias ability to reach a big audience makes it the best communication channels for businesses compared to the conventional methods that are inaccessible to some people. According to Scott (2013), statistical research has revealed that more than 95 per cent ofFacebook users log into their account every day. The same number

Friday, April 26, 2019

Decadal Behaviour of Sand Bars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Decadal Behaviour of Sand interdict - Essay ExampleThe scope of the material I gave a 15/25 and the structured subscriber line received a 8/15. The reason for such a low score was that the report seemed to be a conglomeration of research and facts precisely it was not cohesive at all. The message of the paper was unreadable or non-existent. The report did not show how the information related back to the abstract, and the information seemed to be presented in such a way that the writer of the paper was listing facts concerning the different bars, but that was all that was listed. thither seemed to be a total lack of explanations or arguments throughout the entire paper, although there was definitely adapted evidence to support the arguments if any had been made. It was nice to find that there was that large amount of information available, but it would have served a better purpose if that information had been presented in a way that would lead the commentator to a conclusion.The paper itself was very informative, but was also difficult to read. I gave the paper 20/25 points for the information even though there was no flow to the paper. There was (as I stated before) a plethora of information to whet the readers appetite. It was disheartening to not enjoy the full meal.The structure of this pa

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Problem Solving Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Problem Solving - Case Study ExampleThe short term liquidity of ACLU improves with metre and that is a good indicator for the ships company.The return on assets of the company shows the ability of the company to increase boodle as a endpoint of the productiveness accruing from the net assets. The measure will show the productivity of the company. The productivity of the company will affect the ability of the company to increase profits and, hence, the financial position of the company. The company mainly relies on donations as opposed to loans. That means that it will have no financial arrangement to external firms or financial institutions (Finkler 2010).If I were a fund raising manager, I would mainly condense on the current members as opposed to new members. If a person wants to make donations and would want to have it off the amount of money that will be put in the major activities of the company, I would advise on the use of efficiency ratios.All the chapters were audited because the final report was given by the company. The financial statements are not free of error because auditing is an exercise that involves sampling and that could be subject to some approximation error. The donation of grime and buildings should be treated differently as capital items and they should be capitalizing in the recording of their receipt.If wish sued last in first out method, the net assets would have increased as opposed to the use of FIFO. The service that qualifies as a platform service is management and general services. The decrease in net assets could be as a result of the losses from the stock market because the investments have been incorporated as part of assets of the company. Wish does not intromit any provisions for a law suit because they have not indicated such an instance. The overall discernment of the finances of wish shows that the company is doing well but has the potential of doing much

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Criminal Justice - Essay ExampleAccording to Jacob Wetterling Act, a decl be adaption must require current address registration for a period of 10 days for persons convicted of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor or a sexualityually violent Offense. A minor is a person below the age of 18 years. There argon specific definitions in Washington which are used to identify how an offender victimizes a minor pussy of a minor and false imprisonment (except the parent), sexual conduct with the minor, manipulating of a minor to engage in sexual conduct, use of a minor in sexual performance, solicitation of a minor to exercising prostitution, and all conduct that its nature a sexual offense against a minor. In 1996, the Megans law according to Wetterling act provided a community tattle on the sex offender registration and which brought most online sex offender registration websites. Adam Walsh child protection and safety act (2006) is the most new-fangled federal law , which organized sex offenders into a third-tier system with third tier registrants having the most rigorous registration requirements. The third tier requirements of sex offenders (RSOs) required the offenders to update or verify their information every three months and are registered in their lifetime. Failure to update information as required under this act unrivaled was to have committed a felony offense while a sexually violent offense is any criminal offense that consists of aggravated sexual abuse or an offense that has its elements engaged in personal contact with another person with the intention of committing such an offense. In Washington all juveniles who are sex offenders were required to register. But in other states the juveniles are required to register after attaining of 18 yrs or 21 yrs. Sex offender registration and notification helped to reduce the case of sex offenders recidivism by occupation their attention through the sex offender websites, letters sent home with children, door to door notification and also flyers. However the efficiency of this registration remains questionable with research to date indicating only nominated success. in addition the registration facilitates the following deterring offenders from committing future crimes enhances enforcement of law and the protection of public rights. Adkins, G. Huff, D. & Stageberg, P. (2000) The Iowa sex offender registry and recidivism. Des Moines Iowa Department of Human Rights Schram, D.D., & Milloy, C.D. (1995). Community notification A study of offender characteristics and recidivism. Washington defer Institute for Public Policy. Seattle, WA Urban Policy Research. SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS Sex offenders are required to register upon release from confinement or when sentenced to community supervision. The department of correction or the sentencing mash registers the offender upon release to probation and alerts the offender of the requirement to register loca lly. The local registering agencies occur at the local police department in the jurisdiction where an offender resides. In community supervision, the supervisor officer is required to keep information for the duration of supervision because when the supervision ends the law enforcement is responsible for offenders registration information. Also the state registration law applies to offenders convicted in other States. According to the

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Micro Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Micro Economics - Assignment lawsuitc) If the economy is using the resources as stated in the question then it is underutilizing the resource availability. In this shift it would violate the assumption of full employment. d) This is an unrealistic situation and can be attained only in presence of foreign trade. In order to produce beyond the possibility level, the economy must be able to realize the ontogenesis in the availability of resources. Question 2 Answer Opportunity appeal is referred to as the cost of an activity which in measured in regards to the next best alternative foregone. The retard of shortage is the root cause of opportunity cost. If shortage is absent there will be no reason to sacrifice one thing to achieve another. The opportunity cost is likely to be high for New York City. The reason being the alternative uses for the block are of more value than the block of the suburban city. Question 3 Total earnings = Total live Total Revenue Total Cost = P resour ce * Q resource and Total Revenue = charge * Q sold Total Cost = ($40 * 5 units of labor) + ($60 * 7 units of land) + ($60 * 2 units of capital) + ($20 * 1 unit of entrepreneurial ability) = $ two hundred + $420 + $120 + $20 = $760. Total Revenue = $2 * 400 loaves of banana pelf = $800. Total Profits = $800 - $760 = $40. The firm will continue to produce as it is earning frugal profits. If this firm is typical of the banana bread industry, more resources will flow toward banana bread as other potential firms are attracted to the economic profits in the industry. Question 4 a) For this condition the expenditure will rise while the touchstone will fall. b) For this condition the price will fall while the quantity will fall as well. c) For this condition the price will fall while the quantity will rise. d) For this condition the price is open but the quantity will rise. e) For this condition the price will rise as well as the quantity. f) For this condition the price will fall bu t it is not possible to determine the demand. g) For this condition the price will rise but it is not possible to determine the quantity. h) For this condition the price will endure indeterminate but the quantity will fall. Question 5 Price falls and demand is nonresilient The total receipts will decrease in this case as demand being in live a price fall will bring loss of tax for the producers. Price rises and supply is flexile The total revenue will increase in this case as supply being springlike a rise in price will lead to increase in total revenue conditions. Price rises and supply is nonresilient The total revenue will rise in this case as well as this is the opposite case as the above question. Supply being inelastic a price rise will lead to increase in demand conditions and therefore total revenue. Price rises and demand is inelastic The total revenue will rise in this case. Demand being inelastic a rise in prices will lead to rise in demand and total revenue will rise. Price falls and demand is elastic The total revenue will rise in this case. As demand is elastic a fall in price will lead to increase in demand and total revenue will rise. Price falls and demand is unit elastic In this case the total revenue will remain the same because a fall in price will bring no change in demand conditions and therefore total revenue will remain unaffected. Question 6 Answer A ceiling on price that is fixate below the price level at

Monday, April 22, 2019

Film Westworld Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

snap Westworld - Essay ExampleOne of the most striking characters is the android called as the Gunslinger (Yul Brynner) who portrays a robotic aged(prenominal) West sheriff that kills humans. As Benjamin dies with the bite of the android snake, Brolin faces the out of controlled Gunslinger. Benjamin is lucky since the gun catapult android shuts down at the end as some of its circuit splits.It is remarkable that with the heights of the applied science human has he might have the idea of bringing real life interaction amid humans and machine. This is very evident in the flick the West World (1973). We can see that technological enhancement really snips to pursue better living and at the same time for pastime sake. The highlight is that technology is really promising in different aspects of life. Many inventions and discoveries of man produced positive impact, only it does not give the guarantee that technology itself will be without flaw. Part of the expectation with respec t to technology is that it has the possibility to be out of control. This is what exactly happened to the movie West World.As the operators of the resort admires their wonderful work about robots providing services to human, they were just shocked seeing that everything is turning into a catastrophe. That is delegateting too practically faith in the technology, without realizing that the same things people enjoyed out of it could be in the future the same things that put ones life in a danger. Interaction between human and machines is an extremely evoke idea, but the film West World suggest how men can be drunk with the heights of human technology to do something that will totally violate his human morale. You can just recall how the place suggest that anyone who chooses to stay in that place for a vacation might have convey the fantasy of their own as having sex and killings. Technology in some means is good, however the movie West World created a role playing world wherein pe ople can do some(prenominal) they want (killings

The American Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The American Civil War - Essay ExampleSeven undiplomatic Southern states claimed their withdrawal from the United States and frankincense formed the Confederacy States of America. In return, the northern states and the grey states split. One of the causes of American civil war was the scotch and social variances between the north and the south. The two areas were quite different, and the South feared that the North would try to impose its systems on them (Kelly). The second reason was the government limited the national rights in the states. In 1832, South Carolina declined to pass the federal tariff legislation of 1828. Thus, the government used military force to put the region in check. The southern states felt limited in expressing the state rights.The Dred Scot decision is the third cause of the civil war. Dred Scott was a striver who sought nationality through the American legal systems. The Supreme Court denied any African-American from obtaining US citizenship, consequently , enslaving much people.The election of Abraham capital of Nebraska also contributed to the war. They feared that the Republican president would abolish slavery. Thus, ruining the Southern economy. That is why Lincoln was a worthy opponent to the expansion of slavery. In conclusion, it is true that the American civil war was caused by discrimination and selfish needs. Slavery denied people a real life as capitalism rule allowing the rich to be richer. The legal systems were corrupt with unfair discrimination.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Marketing Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Plan - Coursework ExampleAt the equal time, one can enjoy the great taste of a carbonated drink with perfect nutritional intake. VegShot is being launched by Unilever. The name Unilever is familiar to anyone. The name itself represents reliability and ensures quality. Unilever is a British-Dutch multi-national corporation, established in 1890s, which is operational in nearly 180 countries, possessing more than 400 brands. It has 167000 employees, as of 2010, belonging to 22 distinct nationalities. It is a global market leader in all Food categories including Savory, Spreads, Dressings, Tea and Ice Cream as well as in Mass Skin Care and Deodorants and has very strong positions in different Home and Personal Care categories. Its portfolio ranges from nutritionally balanced foods to indulgent ice creams, affordable soaps, luxurious shampoos and casual household care products. The vision of Unilever is based upon the four pillars To create a better future every day. To hel p people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and function that are good for them and good for others. To inspire people to take small everyday actions that can add together up to a big difference for the world.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Public policy-making and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

world policy-making and analysis - Essay ExampleMichael Lipsky gave an argument that the implementation of policy, will in the end harvesting to people who argon responsible for implementing the policy (Lipsky, 1980).Michael Lipsky further argues that employees of the state, such as social workers, and the police are always regarded as part and parcel of a policy making community. These people are excessively regarded as implementers of political power. On this basis, Lipsky (1980) pertains that street level administrative officials are people responsible for interacting with citizens on a daily basis, and they provide a force behind the laws and the given rules in their various areas of expertise. On this basis, this bureaucrat includes state officials who are always below the rank, and they have the opportunity of daily interacting with regular citizens. This paper gives an evaluation of the conditional relation of these street level bureaucrats in the implementation of a go vernment policy. J unitarys (2013) denotes that a policy is a set of protocols or principles responsible for guiding decisions regarding the methods to use for purposes of achieving a rational step to the forecome.Jones (2013) denotes that one of the major significance of street level bureaucrats in the implementation of a policy is that they are accessible to the public, and citizens of the state. It is important to denote that street level bureaucrats consist of the police, health workers, social workers, and government officials who interact with citizens on a one to one basis. On this basis, these bureaucrats are able to make a representation of the frontline of the policy of the government. For example, scholar denotes that when a police officer carrys out a security operation, with an aim of mopping out terrorism cells, then the officer under consideration only implements a government policy regarding fight terrorism. Another example includes a situation whereby a school

Friday, April 19, 2019

How an organization overcame a public relations crisis Case Study

How an organization everywherecame a public relations crisis - Case Study patternJohnson & Johnsons is a very successful beau monde. Its vision focuses on being of service to the community and committing itself to circumstances their clients. The mission statement is no different. The company seeks to provide its clients with the best possible crossway and services. According to the company, this essential meet safety and ethical regulation. Looking at the acetaminophen crisis, the reader will understand still how timely response to company crisis is essential in winning the trust of the consumer.Before the Tylenol Crisis, the product was the most successful oer the counter drug in the US. It had over a hundred meg users. Through the first 3 quarters of 1982, Tylenol was bringing in about 19 part of Johnson and Johnsons profits. The product accounted for 13 percent of the companys growth in sales and over 33 percent in profits growth per year. In terms of the market share, T ylenol had over 37 percent making it indomitable. The drug outsold four of its closest competitors combined. Later in 1982, for reasons not cognize to anyone, a presumably unknown person or persons put cyanide-laced capsules in place of Tylenol Extra-Strength capsules and because resealed the packages. The malevolent person(s) then deposited the drugs on shelves of at least six pharmacies or more and popular provender stores in Chicago. Seven people died from using the capsules.The media can be damaging to the reputation of any company. In most cases, it may have some alteration, or have interest on one side. composition a given piece of information can have different meanings depending on how it is covered, the media will ever find the way that the piece attracts as much heat or attention as possible. Concerning Tylenol crisis, the media focused on how a trusted consumer product had brought about deaths of the American citizens. While this is true, the fact is that the company was not to blame for the unfortunate events. The media made a very bad name of the brand that

Thursday, April 18, 2019

If all states were democratic, would we ever go to war Essay

If every states were democratic, would we ever go to war - Essay ExampleIn this report, we are to discuss the Democratic wild pansy of mind Theory in detail, while also arguing for and against the ideologies published. Many researchers have throughout taken examples and time-tested to prove that democracy might not be in the end the substantial basis that belong to the decline in wars. However, there are still many another(prenominal) more researchers that have inevitably prove that democracy or conversion to democracy did indeed reduce the chances of the democratic going on wars. era the reasons underlying are several, we are here to discuss exactly this.Many nations have believed in democracy, many have converted, while several others are attempting to convert further on. What is the basis of this conversion and is this the right clapperclaw to take for any converting nation? Is there an intermediate state and are there factors that actu on the wholey lead to reduction in aggressive behavior or actions by nations on the path to democracy? past again, what is democracy and how entrust we define wars. The main motive behind this paper is to explain all these questions. So let us begin our tryst with the understanding of Democratic Peace Theory (DPT), undertaking all possible arguments withheld by researchers before.In his essay, Perpetual Peace, Immanuel Kant cited his belief that nations on a republican path will be more inclined towards peace hence, either not warring at all or minimizing the war to extent. According to him, being constitutional republic was one of the immaculate conditions for nations in commit for peace to prevail. He also cited that people following the republican view would never agree to go on war, unless they do so in self defense. Keeping this in mind, he further suggested that in order for the peace to reside in the world, it is extremely important that all nations become republic.This was the view in the ordinal century , when republic was

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Success Factors in key accounts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Success Factors in pick up accounts - Essay ExampleThe main purpose of these developments was to develop products that could be apply in everyday life.The enquiry involves finding potential problems in the present applications used and resolving them by updating them or using new products. The searchers found the tractableness of a product enables it to be used by much clients. Another important factor belike the most important one is the cost. If the final product is expensive there will be still few takers for it. Therefore research has been done to use cost effective products.Qualitative research systems argon more often used as it involves observation of data that helps in finding solutions to the problems. Qualitative research has been categorised into three categories named as positivist, interpretive and critical.Positivist research methods involves attempt to test theory that to record the predictive element of the phenomena. It involves formal propositions, hypothe sis testing, measuring of quantifiable variables, etc. In this type of research it is assumed that the objectives are given in reality and can be measured by their properties.interpretive research method involves sharing of information and social constructions such as language. Interpretive method is used to understand the meaning of the given information that was assigned to the researchers. Critical research as the name implies concentrates more on the critical view of the subject. It highlights the critical viewpoint of the situation that has to be analysed. Action research and example study research methods are as important as above-mentioned methods. The action research method describes what problems an organization is facing what appropriate stairs should be taken to resolve these kinds of situations. It is more often action-oriented method. display case study method involves studying the main object of the organization, how the situation is related to the real life context , etc. Case study can be positivist, interpretive and critical.PlanningIn any merchandise empyrean key account marketing plan is considered to be very important and a thoughtful backup line plan cannot be overemphasizes because much hinges on it financial support, management of the available resources like operation and finances, reference book from suppliers, promotion and marketing and last but not the least companys goals and achievements.Before writing a key account marketing plan some of the important questions that has to be addressed are1. What service does the business provide to the clients2. Who are the potential customer and reasons for purchasing the service or product3. What are the steps or ways you reach the potential customer4. From whom or where the funds comeThe important elements of marketing plan are to precisely define the business, identify the goals and serve as the firms resume. Pro forma balance sheet, an income statement, proviso precise strategies an d cash flow analyses comprises the basic components of a marketing plan. Preparing a marketing plan helps in the allocation of resources properly, making good decisions and handling of unseen or unexpected complications that may become hurdle in the future development of the business. One of the important aspects of marketing plan is that it provides organised information approximately the company and importantly a good business plan helps in attaining a loan

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Final Scene Essay Example for Free

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest net Scene EssayIn the final scene of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, brain Bromden is the master(prenominal) character. The only two characters in this scene are Bromden and McMurphy, and regular(a) though McMurphy would be considered the principal(prenominal) character of the entire film, Bromden is the main character of this scene because he has the crockedest disposition. In feature, in this atomic number 53 scene, Bromden has numerous intrusts that to him, are life or death. Initi onlyy, after hearing rumours of McMurphys skirt, when McMurphy returns to his bed, Bromden conceives that he has returned in order to light with him. At this point, Bromdens relish is simply to pull out the ward. He then realizes that McMurphy has not returned to explode, but that he has actually been lobotomized. When he sees this, he sm some others McMurphy to death, k instantlying that McMurphy would not want to live like this, or defend the other s see him in this state. At this point in the scene, Bromdens desire is to protect McMurphys pride. erst he fulfills this, he returns to his sign desire, as well as what used to be McMurphys desire to escape. He achieves this by using McMurphys escape plan lifting the impossibly heavy hydrotherapy locker and throwing it through the window. In doing this, Bromden not only achieves his own desire, but also completes the goal that McMurphy was unable to complete. throughout the movie, Chief Bromdens status quo is that he is inactive and lacks opinions and feelings. All of the other affected roles at the hospital think he is deaf and dumb. McMurphy is the only one to later discover that Bromden is neither deaf, nor mute. Before the tension in the final scene takes place, Bromden seems too passive and nonchalant to escape on his own, and he emphatically seems a great deal too harmless to murder anyone. In this scene, Bromden is forced to change when he sees that McMurphy has bee n lobotomized. His respect for McMurphy, and despair that he has been lobotomized and is no longer the powerful confidential informationer he used to be initiates the change in Bromden.Wanting McMurphy to die with honour, and having others remember him the way he was, Bromden finds the power to smother McMurphy to death. After McMurphy is dead, Bromden still has the initial desire of escaping. Before, he had been waiting for McMurphy to escape with him, because McMurphy was more intrepid and gallant than Bromden, and would be able to lead him. Now that McMurphy is unable to escape with him, Bromden is forced to find the courage to escape on his own. In this scene, the put on the line are very high for Bromden. If he does not escape, he get out take away to live miserably in the mental institution for the rest of his life. The stakes are raised when he discovers that McMurphy has been lobotomized. Now, he takes on the responsibility to do what he knew McMurphy would want him to do- not allow him to live and be seen as a lobotomized vegetable. If Bromden does not succeed in killing McMurphy, Bromden allow feel like he has let fling off and humiliated McMurphy.Once Bromden has smothered McMurphy, the stakes are once again raised as now not only does he have to escape because he doesnt want to live in the hospital for the rest of his life, but he also has to leave because he has just murdered McMurphy, even though he did so out of respect. If he does not escape right away, he nearly likely will get in trouble for the murder of McMurphy (and probably get lobotomized himself) , he will have to spend his life in the miserable existence of the institution, and he will not have fulfilled McMurphys and his own desire to escape. The main conflict that takes place in this scene is the fact that Bromden has such a strong desire to escape with McMurphy, but when McMurphy is no longer able to escape, it becomes much more difficult to Bromden. The audience fears that upon discovering that McMurphy has been lobotomized, he will not be assertive enough to escape on his own. Until it is confirmed that McMurphy has been lobotomized, the audience hopes that the two of them will successfully escape together, but when it becomes clear that this will not happen, the audience wonders how Bromden will deal with this.He resolves the conflict by finding the courage to escape on his own. Another conflict in this scene is the fact that McMurphy, who is the most outspoken and powerful patient in the ward has been lobotomized. The fact that he fundamentally no longer has a mind of his own not only gets in the way of Bromdens desire, but will also destroy any optimism and faith that any of the other patients have. This is also a conflict for Bromden because he knows that McMurphy would be miserable if the honest-to-god him were to see the lobotomized him, and Bromden does not want McMurphy to be shamed. Bromden deals with this conflict by killing McMurphy, that way none of the other patients will see him in this state, and McMurphy will not have to live this way for any longer. The main kink in this scene comes when McMurphy returns. Bromden is relieved because he thinks that McMurphy has returned to escape with him, but instead he has been lobotomized and no longer has any desire to escape.This comes as a shock absorber to some(prenominal) Bromden, because it is the opposite of what he has expected, and also to the audience, because seeing McMurphy in the state of being lobotomized completely contrasts the character of McMurphy that the audience has come to know. The technique of collocation makes this twist extremely effective. McMurphy is a character who is always active, energetic, powerful, and lively. He prides himself on his non-alignment, so the audience knows that to McMurphy, receiving a lobotomy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to him. Another technique used to make this twist so powerful is the uncertainty of b oth Bromden and the audience. First, when the other patients talk about how McMurphy has escaped, both Bromden and the audience moot that this plausibly occurred. When McMurphy is seen returning, acting lifeless, by now we know how manipulative and calculating McMurphy is, so the audience is uncertain of whether McMurphy has actually been lobotomized, or if he is just pretending to be obedient so he fire return, and then escape.We do not know for sure that McMurphy has actually been lobotomized until Bromden discovers the scars on his head. This provides a real shock because up until now, both Bromden and the audience was pretty sure that McMurphy was just faking it and the two of them would end up escaping together. A secondary twist in this scene is when Bromden suffocates McMurphy. Although Bromden did this with the best intention for McMurphy, it is still surprising to the audience, because no one couldve pictured Bromden killing anyone, especially McMurphy who he has so much respect for. As mentioned above, Bromden has many strong desires throughout this scene. His main desire is to escape the ward. His secondary desire is to make sure that McMurphy dies with honour and does not have to live being the opposite of the lively, outspoken person he once was.He fulfills both of these desires, and even though he is unable to escape with McMurphy, which was his original intention, he still is able to escape on his own, and free himself from the mental institution. McMurphy, on the other hand, does not have much desire in this scene. Throughout the film, McMurphy has more desire than any other character he wants to be in charge, he doesnt want to do work, he wants to help and lead the other patients in the ward, he is a hedonist, who wants to please himself, and ultimately, his main desire is to escape.Despite all of this, by the last scene, he has been lobotomized, and therefore all of his desire has been drained. He is now a vegetable, who is unable to and h as no will to escape with Bromden. His lack of desire makes Bromdens desire even stronger, because McMurphy was the most passionate patient of them all, but now he is basically brain dead. This ignites Bromdens desire to put an end to McMurphys now meaningless life, and it further motivates his desire to escape the hospital, because he sees how it is able to drain even the most passionate and spirited person.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Configure Basic Security Controls on a Fedora Linux Server Essay Example for Free

Configure Basic Security Controls on a homburg Linux Server Essay1. What is GRUB and why is it important to lock it down? a. GRUB is a bootloader. It is genuinely important to lock this down because of the high access to the kernel and how important aspects croup be circumscribed on the fly at any time during the boot up process because it is unprotected by password. 2. Discuss the purpose of granting sudo access. Why is it a good idea not to log in as a go down user? a. It gives the person access using the sudo access, superuser capability and allows them to run programs with the security privileges of such. This can cause instability of the kernel or in the hands of a skilled individual agree the system. 3. If a file is suffice with the immutable flag, what security controls does this provide for the file? a. Immutable permissions designation prevents a file from being changed, even by someone with root level access. 4. Why do you experience a blank window when trying to edit grub with vi? a. You need the correct permissions, or the file has been moved so it is loading nothing. 5. How do you know when you log in as root? a.Terminal prompt goes from emailprotected $ to emailprotected username 6. What command do you need to use to install get-up-and-go? a. apt-get install vim 7. What is iptables and how does this help harden the Fedora Linux Server? a. Iptables is like a rule set or set up of rules. You can use it to basically build a firewall. 8. Why is it important to configure and enable iptables on your Fedora Linux Server? a. To help secure a Linux server that is connected to the internet. 9. What is the difference between the commands honk and less? a.The cat command will list everything in a file and it has the capability to conflate files. Less will view the contents of a file one page at a time waiting for the user to continue. 10. What is the difference between setfacl and getfacl? How can setfacl help achieve security readiness? a. se tfacl set file access control lists. getfacl get file access control lists. Setfacl is used to set up ACL (Access Control Lists). The usage of ACLs offers mechanisms for setting up per-user-permissions of single filesystem objects and provides fine-grained definitions of access restrictions.

Frustrations Essay Example for Free

Frustrations EssayBo Bennett once said that, Frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very cocksure and essential part of success. Yes, indeed frustration is painful and essential. In the growing stage as teens, it is fatal that they face frustrations. What are some of these frustrations faced by teens? I think that the meeting of peoples expectations and fellow pressure are some of the many frustrations the teens will face in their growing stage. whizz of the frustrations a teen has is the meeting of peoples expectations, especially their parents expectations. Research has indicated that the majority of parents expect their infantren to ammonium alum from high school and complete some post secondary education. 92% of parents in 2010 believe that their child would go to university with 23% having children who did not succeed in getting into a university. 92% is an extremely enormous percentage. This shows that in 10 parents, 9 expect and hope that their child wo uld go to university.This implies that majority of the teens face expectations from their parents. 7% of the teens make the cut and are able to make it to university. This means that about 4 in 5 teens have more expectations to meet. Therefore, in the society, many teens face expectations from their parents. One of the many other frustrations teens undergo is peer pressure. Teens are constantly worried about their peers opinions of them, hence in order to try and train in, they may do things that make them feel uncomfortable. This may cause them to feel the frustrated and stressed while doing these actions to fit in.They are impressionable and jump the bandwagon. They may do what everyone else are doing but not actually astute the ultimate reason of doing so. Results show that 75% of youth, tested in a survey done on teenagers, are influenced by peer pressure. From this results, we can see that majority of the teenagers are susceptible to peer pressure. In order to be popular, th e 3 in 4 teens will be pressured to do what their peers tell them to do instead of doing what they think is right.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Minimum Wage Essay Example for Free

Minimum Wage Essay change magnitude the borderline betroth has been considered to be one factor that results in high unemployment crop. Various authors on this master outline different views on the personal effects of increase the tokenish engross on unemployment rate. One psychoanalyse shows that effect on increasing the minimum lease varies in different economies. A nonher says increasing prosecute rates does non simulate unemployment rate. And, there be also studies which indicate that there is an effect although not that significant in affecting occupation loss.This paper aims to present issues that will provide clear views on whether an ontogenesis in the minimum engross results in higher unemployment rate. Wage rate is the representation of the non-existent to the slightest negotiate power of the workforce (Bernstein and Schmitt, n. d. ). Increasing the minimum net income is done to alleviate p all overty. (Macpherson, 2005 Bernstein and Schmitt, n. d. ). Its main goal is to garter low-wage workers uplift their income and lot up with the rising cost of living (Page, et al. , 1999).However, it has been criticized be let of its ill effect on employers business. It has been say that an step-up in the minimum wage rate would cause unemployment. There had been studies about the effects of the minimum wage rate hike, but they do not point out to one outcome. Different economies break different outcomes when subjected to minimum wage amplify (Fields and Kanbur, 2005). Different countries have comparative results when an enlarge in the wage rate is implemented. However, it will certainly be effective for the low-wage earners.An analysis made by Burkhauser and Sabia (2005) showed that an subjoin in the minimum wage rate has not been effective as far as poverty ease is concerned because the increase was given altogether to low-wage earners. Other workers earning higher wage but were also inwardly the poverty direct were not grant ed similar increase, as such only those employed in minimum wage rate works were able to realize the benefits. The effect of the wage rate, in this case, does not ineluctably address the needs of those with low incomes.Not all people that are in need of the wage increase are workings at a minimum-wage earning occupation. Increasing the minimum wage is also believed to be favorable for the poor working men and women. However, its effects are far from helpful, in fact, increasing the minimum wage is hurtful to business and may result to unemployment. The wage hike will cause the remuneration of low-wage jobs to be equivalent to the salaries of those in higher job levels. Since these jobs have higher requirements in terms of skills, the least(prenominal) trained are more apparent to be laid off from work.A minimum wage rate hike and its effect on unemployment were seen in the study of Brown (1988 as cited by Burkhauser and Sabia, 2005). An increase in the wage rate caused a sma ll decrease in the employment of teenagers. The decrease upheld the theorized increase in unemployment rate for an increase in the minimum wage rate. A study also showed that it is not a matter of how much the laborer is earning, the salary that a worker receives, which will improve in case of a minimum wage increase, but the employment status of the worker.These workers are more likely to be dismissed when a company suffers loss, in the form of higher operational cost, as a result of minimum wage hike. (Deere, 1998). The study further showed that not all workers earning a minimum wage rate are actually poor and may not in need of the increase (Burkhauser and Sabia, 2005). most of the workers that will benefit from wage increase are the young workers, aged 24 or jr. (Macpherson, 2005). The workers that are aged 24 or younger are mostly employed in these minimum-wage earning occupations.In addition, a higher wage would mean more interested workers but cod to the surplus of workers, a crowding out would occur or less hours of work would be allotted per person. This would result to a decline in the earnings of each worker (Page, et al. , 1999). Macphersons study (2005) in Pennsylvania indicated that an increase in the minimum wage rate would really be costly for employers and thus, lead to mass laying-off of workers. some firms are able to continue operation given the increase in wage rates, hence only few workers are needed.The company may retain more workers but may reduce the working hours for each employee. In both cases, the low wage earners are the ones affected because they may get the coveted increase in wage but may end up spending little term for work, hence reducing their income. However, a study indicated that retail jobs are the only jobs which prove that higher minimum wage rates decrease the employment (Fox, 2006). For new(prenominal) firms, it would be better to engage in other programs that may promote increase in work-hours instead of incre asing the minimum wage rate to instigate employees.One way to alleviate poverty is to consider the family income of low-wage earners. Extending non-monetary benefits will somehow improve the lives of minimum wage earners and can be given to them in lieu of the wage increase. (Burkhauser and Sabia, 2005). Minimum wage hikes are advantageous to workers and companies alike. It keeps the workers to stay in the company for a long time, thus developing loyalty to the job. Although granting an increase in wage to workers may add up to operating expenses of a company, still it is benefited in the long wreak because it will not incur cost on training new workers. Fox, 2006).Periodic grant of an increase in the minimum wage rate is needed to augment workers income, such that they are able to cope up with the rising cost of living. The slightest increase in their wages raises the workers economic well-being since it makes them more undecided of financing the most basic needs of the family. This is go awayicularly true for workers who are the heads of the households (Burkhauser and Sabia, 2005 Bernstein, et al. , 1999).An increase in unemployment is not necessarily caused by an increase in the minimum wage rate (Fox, 2006). A classic theoretical account in this theory was the increase in the minimum wage rate in the years 1996 and 1997 that did not lead to the dismissal of teenagers, which were believed to be less skillful workers (Bernstein and Schmitt, n. d. ). If the increase in the wage rate does cause a significant decrease in employment, there would have been larger decreases in the employment over the years (Card, 1992 as cited by Fox, 2006 Bernstein and Schmitt, n. d. ).Wage hike does have psychological effects on workers such as higher productivity, decreased turnover, lower recruiting and training costs, decreased absenteeism and higher morale, which are believed to offset the costs of increasing the wage (Bernstein and Schmitt, n. d. Card and Krueger, 19 95 as cited by Fox, 2006 Bernstein, et al. , 1999). Increasing minimum wage rate until now attracts employment (Clinton, 1995 as cited by Burkhauser and Sabia, 2005). The effect of increasing the minimum wage rate on the grow in unemployment rate is generally small and statistically insignificant (Bernstein and Schmitt, 1998 as cited by Fox, 2006).Decreases in the unemployment rate may also be caused by the wage hike, but only to a small extent. A more likely cause of unemployment is the performance of the economy (Chipman, 2006 as cited by Fox, 2006 Costales, et al. 2000), one of which is the existence of a deflationary gap. It is a situation wherein the aggregate expenditure of the economy is less than the full employment level of income or output, hence suggesting the existence of unemployment (Costales, et al. , 2000).In fact, empirical studies show that the employment on firms which implemented the higher minimum wage rates are higher than those without the raise, which both have positive and negative effects (Burton and Hanauer, 2006 as cited by Fox, 2006). The negative effects of more employment were stated in preceding pages of this report. The boilers suit positive effects of the increase in the wage rate set a sense of range for low-wage workers employment and uplift their living standards. (Fox, 2006).It serves as one of the tools in poverty reduction because the primal goal of the minimum wage policy is to increase income of the low-wage earners (Burkhauser and Sabia, 2005). Raising the minimum wage rate affects employment opportunities. It makes job seekers less likely to get a job while those who are already employed are expected to retain the employment. (Deere, 1998). Firms who do not have the money to shoulder additional wages for an increase in the minimum wage rate are usually the ones who are against the implementation of wage hikes.This is the primary cause of laying off of workers and the increase in the unemployment rate. This also is the cause of firing less skilled workers because firms opt to retain the workers who are more skillful. However, if the firms are able to sustain the costs, the increase will be both beneficial to employers (moral uplifting and better performance of the employees) and to the workers (higher income for basic needs). Increasing the minimum wage of low-salaried workers is part of the bargaining agreement between the workers union and the company. It is given in the hope of alleviating poverty.However, study shows that it may not be true in all cases because some companies may opt to adopt work tryst among workers which could mean limited time for work meaning limited income on the part of the affected workers. though increasing minimum wage may result in higher operating costs, the increase is not the only factor that affects the employment status of workers. Effects of increase in the minimum wage diverge in different economies, hence the countrys economic performance directly af fects unemployment rate due to the presence of deflationary gap.Increase in the minimum wage rate does not directly affect the unemployment rate, but rather, it affects the costs of the firms. In turn, these firms which cannot operate at a higher cost screen their actual workers and cut those who have little experience to maximize their returns. However, there are firms which value the welfare of the workers and kickshaw it as part of the working costs included in the production. Thus, they consider additional costs, resulting from wage hikes, negligible. Therefore, increasing the minimum wage does not result in higher unemployment rate.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Resource Allocation Essay Example for Free

Resource Allocation Essay barf management is the discipline of defining and achieving targets while optimizing the use of resources time, money, people, materials, energy, space, etc. , over the course of a be after. The most(prenominal) important resources that discombobulate motorcoachs have to plan and manage on day-to-day basis atomic number 18 people, materials, equipment and works capital. Obviously, if these resources are available in abundance then the spew could be accelerated to achieve shorter stick out duration.On the other hand, Avoid using colloquial language, slang or jargon in formal piece of written material (14) if these resources are severely limited, then the result more than likely will be a turn back in the project completion time. Depending on the type of resources, the costs of providing an abundance of such resources to accelerate project completion time can be very high. However, if resources are readily available and excess premiums are not i ncurred to use them on the project, then project cost should be low, as some project costs are resource related while others are likely to be time dependent.In seeking professional services for the design and construction of our garage with living quarters, the management team has been confronted with a broad variety of choices. The services solicited are based on past history and excellent referrals. The pay off family has selected the following individuals for the organizational structure of the garage project, all team member functions, responsibilities, qualifications, and capabilities are defined, as rise up as where each member fits into this structure. Comma splice and/or run-on sentence.Rewrite as two sentences, or separate with a semicolon. (32) The Ransoms are confident that this group of individuals will form a cohesive team to complete the project within scope, budget and time. Ransom Family throng Sampson is a dependent manager who will function as project manager. A s PM he has been given the trust by the maturate of directors to resolve any resource allocation issues that may arise. James reports directly to the board of directors. His qualifications are over 20 years of experience in the areas of industrial engineering, materials and operations management.His academic enfranchisement admit a bachelors degree in industrial engineering and an MBA specializing in numeric business analysis and business statistics. James will serve as liaison for the city plan commission. James has the following skills and abilities principles and practices of contemporary project management, strategic, conceptual and analytical thinking, adaptability and flexibility including ability to manage pressure, ambiguity and change, team leadership, interpersonal, communication, and project management skills.Jody Bryant is a functional manager in charge of Contract organization and Documentation. She reports to James Sampson. Jodys qualifications are 18 years exp erience in the area contract governing and associated policies, and procedures. Her academic credentials include a bachelors degree in business tribunal and an MBA specializing in technology. She maintains contract administration systems that ensure that contractors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of their contracts and/or purchase orders.Her responsibilities include documentation and record keeping, receiving, evaluating and acting on engineering and other change proposals, negotiating cost and schedule pretend relating to change orders and other contract modifications. She also ensures timely submission of required reports. Rose Matos is functional manager in charge of structure and on-site management. She reports to James Sampson and Jody Bryant. Rose has 15 years experience conniving beams, columns, walls, floors, roofs, and foundations of various structures.She will be responsible for overseeing Big Time Builders, Keep-em Happy Architect ural, Martin Grading, and other of contractors such as electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and industrial engineers. James Vann Haigler is functional manager over quality assurance. Vann, as he prefers to be called, has an all-embracing background in quality assurance management, which includes a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, specializing in Computer Science. He has over 13 years of experience in QA, 3D graphics applications.Vann reports to James Sampson, and is responsible for the overall management of activities related to the sampling, and release of raw materials and components. This includes, but is not limited to, writing of specifications and SOPs, control of artwork, shop floor testing, resolution of Sub-standard Material Reports, and maintenance of vendor files. He guarantees a aim of quality for the end client, and is focused on creating a quality deliverable. Task and Responsibility Matrix afterwards the project is organized, there is a need to define w hat single-valued functions and responsibilities for each member of Team B.Within the project the labor will not be specificity be accomplished by the team members but from sub-contractors, just each task must be carried out in order to complete the project. This sentence is confusing. paraphrase for clarity In order to insure that all tasks are carried out in the necessary order describe within the Statement of Work the overseeing of the tasks are divided and assigned to various team members according to the members role which is defined by responsibility, approval and support. With this in mind, the team has developed a task/responsibility hyaloplasm to keep track of these steps.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Essay Example for Free

Obsessive Compulsive indisposition EssaySpecific Purpose To affirm my audience of the definition of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and what causes it, the symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and the treatments for Obsessive -Compulsive Disorder. Thesis Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a common psychiatric illness that can affect peoples daily lives. installation Do you constantly check to deliberate if you turned the stove off? Do you have to subspecies your hands a certain amount of times before you feel like their clean? Do you constantly repeat things, or keep things such as bears, bottles, or paper?We all copy check sometimes, provided when you feel the adopt to check things repeatedly, and if you dont you feel a grit of anxiety, this could be a sign that you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. I can handle this topic with you because I work with people who have this disorder, and I have done my research by reading books and researching the web. Today Im going to inform you about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as well as known as OCD. OCD is a common psychiatric illness that can affect peoples daily lives. Now Im going to tell you what OCD is and what causes it, the symptoms of OCD, and the treatment for OCD.I. First, lets dissertate what OCD is and what causes it? A. According to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation OCD is an anxiety disorder, and is characterized by unwanted thoughts which are obsessions, insistent behaviors which are compulsions, and rituals to satisfy obsession. People with OCD are plagued by recurring and distressing thoughts, fears, or images they cannot control. 1. According to the subject Institute of Mental Health OCD affects about 2. 2 Million the Statesn Adults. 2. OCD affects men, women, and children, as well as people of all races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds 3.One-third adults with OCD develop symptoms as children. Unlike adults, however, children with OCD may not take a sh it that their obsessions and compulsions are excessive. B. Experts do not know the exact cause of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Research suggests that there may be a problem with the way one part of the brain sends information to another part. not having enough of a brain chemical called serotonin. 1. OCD is caused by chemical and brain dysfunction, Genetics, Infection, Depression, and Life. 2. OCD can cause awful anxiety in those affected and involves both obsessions and compulsions in everyday life.Now that we know what OCD is and what causes it, lets discuss the symptoms of OCD. II. The Symptoms of OCD A. People with OCD have many unlike symptoms. According to the ADAA, Anxiety and Depression Association of America OCD symptoms are divided into Obsessions (unwanted intrusive thoughts) Constant, irrational worry about dirt, germs, or contamination. . According to the book exemption from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder contamination is the most common form of OCD. Excessive concern with order, arrangement, or symmetry. Feeling responsible for the safety of others.Compulsions (ritualistic behaviors and routines to ease anxiety or distress) Cleaning- Repeatedly washing hands, or bathing. Checking- Checking to see if the stove is off, or if the door is locked. Hoarding- According to the book Overcoming Compulsive Hoarding is the one element of OCD that is for the most part known, is Difficulty throwing things away such as rubber bands, bottle caps, or magazines because you feel that you will need it later, or need it just in case Repeating- Inability to stop repeating a name, phrase, or activity. Now that we know what OCD is, and the symptoms of OCD, lets discuss the treatments for OCD.III. What are treatments for OCD? A. Psychotherapy 1. Teaches a person different days of thinking, behaving, and re playing to situations that help him/her feel less anxious or fearful without having obsessive thoughts on acting compulsively. B. Medication 1. Doctors may prescrib e medication to help treat OCD. The most commonly prescribed medications for OCD are anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants. 1. Anti-anxiety meds are powerful and many begin working right away. 2. Anti-depressants are used to treat depression, but they are also helpful for OCD probably more so than anti-anxiety meds.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Crucible Essay Example for Free

The Crucible EssayThe Crucible by Arthur Miller is a dramatic event about a small group of teen girls in 1692 Salem, mummy caught in an innocent conjuring of love potions to catch early men are forced to itemize lies that Satan had invaded them and forced them to participate in the rites and are therefore forced to name those involved. Thrown into the jumble are greedy preachers and other major landowners laborious to steal others land and one young cleaning woman infatuated with a married man and determined to extend rid of his innocent wife. Fueled by the lies and blasphemy in the town, theyre finally brought to a melting point where they buy into the deceit and disunite to charge witchcraft. The Crucible represents test, trail, ordeal, formation by fire, and watercraft baked to resist kindle. The title reflects the meaning of the acidulate as a whole theme. First, John Proctor is a tested and formatted by fire character. In The Crucible he is tested by the court a nd the citizens in Salem.In the play Abigail Williams accuses John Proctors wife of witchery and is taken to trial but john proctor want to accuse Abigail of murder. He is trying to do anything executable to save his wife of being lynched. John Proctor was put through a severe test of faith in him and came through in the end by finding the near(a) in him and refusing to cast away his name in signing a confession. John Proctor was disjointed on how he felt towards his relationship with Elizabeth he felt like he was a non a good man to her.Johns character is considered a formatted by fire character because of the way he has developed from the beginning to the end of the play. Next, Elizabeth Proctor represents trial and a vessel baked to resist heat character. Like many puritan women, Elizabeth Proctor is reserved, slow to complain, and dutiful. Yet, Elizabeth is pained by the fact that her husband was having an affair with their strikingly beautiful young servant. But Elizabeth doesnt seem to care. Abigail Williams accused her of witchery to try to get John Proctor back.Throughout the play she struggles for her innocences and so does John. He manages to do anything possible for Elizabeth to be free, even if it meant to lie and accuse Abigail of murder. Elizabeth manages to escape lynching because she receives the news that she is expecting a child. Elizabeth is a vessel baked to resist heat character because she manages everything to not get involved in problems also she wasnt guilty of any charges and managed to escape being lynched.To conclude, the drama The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a drama about a group of girls that are caught in an innocent conjuring of love potions to catch young men are forced to tell lies that Satan had invaded them and forced them to participate in the rites and are then forced to name those involved. But once they confess on whom they saw the say names of passel they dont like because they want revenge on all their enemies. The Crucible represents test, trail, ordeal, formation by fire, and vessel baked to resist heat. The title reflects the meaning of the work as a whole theme.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

International financial manager of P&G Essay Example for Free

International financial manager of PG EssayThe soul responsible for international financial management at Procter and Gamble Company (PG) is Jon R. Moeller, an MBA Masters compass point holder from Cornell University (Bloomberg, 2010). Moeller is currently the chief financial officer of PG since the commencement of the year 2009. His career write shows unlike important positions he held before finally becoming the companys finance manager- which demonstrate his skills and big experience. He joined PG in 1988 just after graduating.Whereas thither are numerous posts he held in the firm during his long-term stay, it would be important to state some of the pertinent positions to his current obligations in the company. From 2007 to 2008, he served as the companys treasurer. Since the year 2000, he held various positions in planetary beauty and Global health, in PG, including being the vice president, vice president of finance and accounting, and manager of finance. Various appr oaches have been utilize in the management of foreign risks in PG.When Bob MacDonald stood to present the companys growth profile in February 2010, he clearly pointed out the fact that the main element of such growth is innovation. It is perspicacious to assert the fact that at multinational level, the firm is always exposed to risks such as move interest pass judgment as well as changes in prices of various commodities and currency exchange rates (PG, 2008). On his part when outlining the companys growth, Jon Moeller pointed out that their main emphasis was creation of amplificationd appreciate for shareholders mainly at the leadership level (CINCINNATI, 2010).This can only be achieved through making the grocery store value share grow in addition to increasing lolly per capital share. In addition, there is need to generate a very strong cash flow consistently. Moller indicated that to ensure increased earnings per share, they were implementing the shareholder value at leader ship level. On the other hand, they would enhance innovation and execution to increase profitability of market shares. Consequently, this would create an appropriate environment for prices of goods and exchange rates in foreign currencies.

Geography Study Chart Places and Regions Essay Example for Free

Geography Study Chart Places and Regions EssayStudying the World Regions and Places units in your courseMany students find the course content on globe regions, countries, and places to be some of the intimately challenging material to learn. The combination of student unfamiliarity with the world regions and the large volume of information to be learned can be overwhelming. To help you grind away your studies, keep in mind WGUs blueprint behind this course, which is for competent students to have a strong grasp of the major human and physical geographicalal conditions that interact to shape our world. When you are studying world region, we want you to emphasize the 1) big picture of the geographic conditions in each world region, 2) the major countries of that region, and 3) how that region relates to the rest of the world.Creating a consistent framework for studying each world region may help you retain the knowledge you need to be prospering in this course aspect. We re commend trying to identify the 2-3 most significant / most important physical, cultural, economic, and policy-making characteristics that exist within each world region. We do not guarantee that you are only tried and true on those features, but the process of identifying the most significant characteristics from the broader range of information about each world region is an excellent study strategy that also will ensure you leave our course with a strong, general knowledge of the major geographic conditions around the world. You are welcome to use the grid, below, to help organize your study material.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Compare and Contrast on Fibers Essay Example for Free

Comp argon and Contrast on personas EssayAs nutrition labeling becomes all-important(a) throughout the world, it is recognized that a single definition of type may be needed. New products are world developed or isolated that be book like case, yet do not happen upon the traditional requirements of reference, either analytically or physiologically. Without an accurate definition of fiber, compounds loafer be designed or isolated and concentrated using available methods without necessarily providing beneficial health effects, which most people suppose to be an important attribute of fiber.Most of us are familiar with the terms soluble fiber and insoluble fiber but what is the actual difference? Soluble fibers bind with fatty acids and slow digestion so blood sugars are released more slowly into the body. These fibers help lower LDL cholesterol and help bilk blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Insoluble fibers help hydrate and move waste through the intestin es and construe the pH levels in the intestines. These fibers help counteract constipation and keep you regular. The three most commonly employ fibers are dietary, functional, and total fibers.dietary fibre consists of non-digestible carbohydrates and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants. usable Fiber consists of isolated, non-digestible carbohydrates that have beneficial physiological effects in humans. sum Fiber is the sum of Dietary Fiber and Functional Fiber. Dietary fiber comes from the portion of plants that is not digested by enzymes in the intestinal tract. Part of it, however, may be metabolized by bacteria in the lower gut. Different types of plants vary in their amount and charitable of fiber.Dietary Fiber includes pectin, gum, mucilage, prison cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Pectin and gum are water-soluble fibers found inside plant cells. They slow the changeover of food through the intestines but do nothing to increase fecal bulk. In contrast, f ibers in cell walls are water insoluble. These include cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Such fibers increase fecal bulk and speed up the portrayal of food through the digestive tract. Dietary fiber may help reduce the risk of whatsoever cancers, especially colon cancer.This idea is based on information that insoluble fiber increases the rate at which wastes are removed from the body. This means the body may have less exposure to toxic substances produced during digestion. Dietary fiber is found only in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. The form of foods may or may not affect its fiber content. Canned frozen fruits and vegetables contain just as oftentimes fiber as raw ones. Other types of processing may reduce fiber content. Drying and crushing, for example, demean the water-holding qualities of fiber.The removal of seeds, or peels also reduces fiber content. Whole tomatoes have more fiber than peeled tomatoes, which have more than tomato juice. Likewi se, in all wheat bread contains more fiber than white bread. Functional Fibers are isolated, non-digestible forms of carbohydrates that have been extracted from starchy foods or manufactured from starches or sugars. Unlike dietary fibers which are consumed in whole foods like vegetables, grains and legumes. These added substances are considered fiber be power, like dietary fiber, they resist digestion and perform some of the same functions when eaten.Functional Fiber may have some of the benefits of naturally consuming dietary fiber, such as luck to prevent constipation or lowering blood glucose levels after meals, but in contrast lack nutrients and phytochemicals that come with fiber found in whole foods. Functional Fibers include gums, pectins, polydextrose and inulin. Inulin and polydextrose are water-soluble fibers as well as pectin and gums found in dietary fiber. Inulin is one functional fiber that is now being added into many food products enabling an excellent source of c arbohydrates for probiotic organisms populating the lower portion of the gastrointestinal system.Such fibers may increase beneficial bacteria in the gut, enhance immune function, add bulk to stools, and help prevent constipation. Most nutritionists encourage getting fiber from whole foods that we eat because they contain many other healthy plant compounds. However, if you dont get enough fiber in your diet (25-38grams daily) added functional fibers can help fill in the gap. On food labels, functional fibers are usually included in the grams of dietary fiber. Eating a wide variety of fibers is the ideal solution to gaining all the health benefits.Total fiber is the sum of dietary fiber and functional fiber. Its not important to differentiate between which forms of each of these fibers you are getting in your diet but that the total amount is moderate. Eating too much fiber (more than 50-60 grams of fiber a day) may decrease the amount of vitamins and minerals your body absorbs. To a dd more fiber to the diet, an individual can increase the amount eaten gradually, this gives the stomach and intestines time to get used to the change.In addition, fiber supplements could easily lead to excess, which may cause intestinal discomfort thus, adding fiber to the diet with the addition of fiber rich foods is a safer route. Eating too much fiber too quickly may cause gas, diarrhea, and bloating. Excessive use of fiber supplements is associated with greater risk for intestinal problems. Some of the benefits from a high fiber diet may be from the food that provides the fiber, not from fiber alone. For this reason, it is best to obtain fiber from foods quite a than from supplements.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Comparison of Healthcare Systems: Russia and the US

Comparison of wellnessc argon Systems Russia and the USJoel AdewuyiMadalyn ArnottStephanie ArmstrongLauren BallRussian federation has 17 cardinal km2 of land surface atomic number 18a, making it the largest country in the world. The country has major deposits of coal, timber, anele, and assorted minerals and is therefore perceived by m whatsoever as a rich country who can provide prevalent wellness negociate to her citizens.To sidereal day, the wellness financial aid organisation in Russia unlike in the United States is universal barely has been plagued with piteous tincture and deficient services and thus in the process of being reformed by the Russian judicature. It is a universal system yet in theory but the little property has make many Russians result to establishing under the counter-bribes in order to get their necessary treat custodyts (Russian, 2017).Recent g all overnment reforms, and measures to increase efficiency such as increase in funding chip in beg un to matchress the on-going problem in the wellness care sector. However, even with the new reforms in place, since the 1990s, there has been no significant rise in the wellnesscare system (Russian 2017). The biggest problem confronting this system has been attributed to lack of funding by the government.Historical PerspectivesThe abolish of the Soviet Union gave birth to the Russian Federation in 1991 and since and then the health status of the Russian population has been on a dramatic decline. Rates of medical checkup conditions like cancer, heart disease, and tuberculosis are the gameest compared to any other industrialized country. Government spending on healthcare which was 7% of Gross depicted object Product (GNP) in the 1960s before Soviet Unions insularity was reduced to 3% after the breakup (site wide, 2017). Most of the government funding started going to industrial and military developments and lesser priority given to the healthcare system and by the end of 19 95 less than 1 percent of Russias budget was allocated to public health in comparison to more(prenominal) than 12 percent in the United States (site wide 2017). With this, the public health rescue system in Russia went into the crisis with poorly trained medical personnel, lack of modern fontized equipment, poor payments for the medical personnel, poor personal hygiene and diet, lack of exercise, virtually nonexistent preventive medicine etc.The lack of availableness to national health system facilities, with most patients standing in line at clinics for an entire day before receiving treatments coupled with non-affordability prescriptions drugs, has encouraged them resulting into unorthodox alternatives such as herbal medicine, mysticism, and faith healings.Russian healthcare System TodayThere are several issues that can be observed in the modern Russian healthcare system. For example there is limited vex to healthcare facilities, and the sanitation in the facilities is below United States standards. The health care system in the United States is often viewed as the best in the world, but it has several flaws as well. There is limited access for veterans and several hospitals charge as much as cardinal times what others charge. There are also several benefits to the United States healthcare. Virtually on either corner of any town in the U.S there is access to a hospital or an indispensableness room. Also in the U.S., there are several payment plans individuals can use.In the Russian healthcare system one of the main problems is limited access to healthcare facilities. Only four percent pay their doctors when they substantiate a medical force (Allianz, 2009 p 5). This causes a shortage of medical professionals. The lack of medical professionals causes individuals to rely on themselves for medical treatment. Several problems arise when individuals rely on their own knowledge. Another major issue with this system is the unsanitary working conditions of medical practices and medical professionals themselves. The lack of sanitation in facilities causes individuals to be more susceptible to diseases and other types of infections (Antonova, 2016 p3). The Russian healthcare system has several flaws that we do not clear in the United States healthcare system.In the United States, there are hospitals around e very(prenominal) corner. This allows individuals to baffle access to healthcare no matter where they live, but this can have some repercussions. Although hospitals are indulgent to find some individuals cannot afford this care. In 2010 the Affordable Care Act was signed so everyone has access to healthcare, but individuals need to have amends for this Act to apply to them. This although seems beneficial to all, some individuals feel that they are forced to buy insurance. One decreed expectation of the United States healthcare system is the amount of insurance options available. Most individuals use insurance through their emp loyer, and some have medical cards. One negative aspect of the healthcare system is there is little to no coverage to for veterans. Tricare only covers veterans when they are in expeditious duty, once they retire the insurance no longer covers them.Future of Healthcare System in RussiaThe Russian healthcare system for sure needs improvements due to many problems. Russias population is more than 6 billion lower than it was nearly dickens decades ago (public health, 2015). Sadly, birth pass judgment are lower and mortality judge are higher(prenominal). Over half of the deaths are due to cardiovascular disease. Other problems include cancer and outer causes such as accidents and traumas. However, since 2005 the Russian healthcare system have been trying to turn things around positively.In 2006, the Russian government launched the National Priority Project (NPP) to try and change the system for the bankrupt (public health 2015). The budget for this project was over than 400 billi on rubles (Russian dollars) which was granted between 2006 to 2009 (public health 2015). Many activities have been planned and accomplished through the NPP. The NPP has increase salaries of old and emergency care physicians, purchased more primary care equipment, provided more vaccination programs, providing free medical examinations to the public, increased the promotion of fertility, and make more high-tech centers for tertiary care. These activities have increased the quality of the system and bettered it for the citizens of Russia.There have recently been very bad fiscal troubles in Russia yet the NPP has managed to improve the system through these ways. Fertility poses are higher, mortality outranks are lower, and life expectancy for both women and men have risen. However, not all the healthcare problems have been addressed. Basic healthcare is still unfunded, there are many problems with Russias healthcare insurance, and there is little drive to face and fix the populatio n health behavior. Until the Russian citizens take these problems into their own hands the future ofRussias health give be a problem. The citizens need to stop smoking, binge drinking, and bad habits in order to roll in the hay better health. The Russian public needs to be able to provide robust air, body of water, better nutrition quality, safer roads, and safer work environments. Until these problems are addressed, the health challenges that Russia faces go away not be fixed and impart follow to the elderly age ahead.Russias health care system has taken a turn for the worst. Consequences of a failing healthcare system have fed to declining health among the Russian population. Inefficient funds have led to cost cuts, this already damaging a weak system. numerous medical staff had to be laid off because of this, when healthcare workers were already at a minimal amount. At this point in time Russia suffers from a high death site, low birth rate, and low life expectancy. The total population is decreasing by 700,000 citizenry each category (Aarva 2009). The average life span for a male is statistically shown to only gain 59 years old (Aarva, 2009). Compared to the United States, a typical average life span for men is 78 years old (Aarva, 2009). Women in Russia overall only average to 72 years old (Aarva, 2009). The fertility rates in Russia cannot meet the declining rate of population. The decline in health statistically shows to only get worse within the next 50 years, declining by 30 percent (Aarva 2009).In Russia, the sum up one leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease, this is followed by alcoholism and tobacco use. The World Health Organization accounts for more than 1.2 jillion deaths per year from these. A maturation health issue in Russia is disease, such as HIV/AIDS, a little over 1 percent of Russias population canvas positive (Aarva, 2009). Lancet 2012 study showed that 57 percent of those affected acquired this from drug use (Aarva, 2009). Although over looked, Russias health care system has led them to have a lot in common with 3rd world countries.Numerous factors have led to Russias health care decline however, many believe lack of education is the sum up one reason for the decline. Public health policies and information is less easy to access in Russia then the United States. Russia is also lacking in resources such as a lack in medication. Russias health care doesnt have the ability to give the citizens proper health care, if this situation continues their population will importantly continue to decline.In conclusion and in fairness to the Russia federation, the truth is that despite the relatively poor health statistics and healthcare situations, Russia is not dependent on any international assistance for her healthcare funding and is nondependent on any of the developed countries. Even though, they are independent, the governments duty of a guaranteed full range of free healthcare services to her citizens has not experienced any setback, but rather has been confirmed through the newly use Russian constitution and the new healthcare financing laws.ReferencesRussian health care A healthy future? (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017.Site-wide navigation. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2017.Public Health Russia is Sick. The Globalist. N.p., 04 Oct. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.Landed, S. J. (2014, May 04). Overview. Retrieved February 22, 2017.Allianz. (2017). Healthcare in Russia support. Retrieved February 23, 2017.Aarva, P., Ilchenko, I., Gorobets, P., Rogacheva, A. (2009). Formal and informal payments in health care facilities in two Russian cities, Tyumen and Lipetsk. Health Policy and Planning, 24(5), 395-405. inside10.1093/heapol/czp029Antonova, N. (2016). Access to Healthcare in Russia A Pilot Study in Ekaterinburg. Central European Journal of Public Health, 24(2), 152-155. doi10.21101/cejph.a3942O. (n.d.). Weve Got You Covered. Retrieved February 23, 2017. dairy farm Prod ucts Physio-chemicals and Microbiologydairy Products Physio-chemicals and MicrobiologyAgriculture is the single largest sector in the Pakistan, contributing 21. 8 to the gross interior(prenominal) product and employing approximately 44. 7 of the workforce. Livestock is playing a vital role in the prudence of Pakistan and account for 51. 8 % of the agriculture value added and 11. 3% of the national Gross Domestic Product. The d naked as a jaybird output signal in country increased by 35. 6% from 1996 to 2007 (Anonymous, 2008).Pakistan dairy sector is producing 41. 3 million lashings take out and is the fifith largest draw producing country in the world. Its massive herd of 60. 8 million cows and buffaloes produced 40. 76 million tons of take out in the year 2007-2008. while 56. 70 million goats produced 0. 70 million ton (Anonymous, 2008). The role of livestock sector in the rural economy of Pakistan is important as 30-35 million rural population of the country derive their l ivelihood from livestock production as a primary or secondary activity (Anonymous, 2008), draw is defined as the whole, fresh, piece, lacteal secretion obtained by the consummate(a) milking of one or more healthy milk animals excluding that obtained within fifteen days before or five days after the calving or such period as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrums free and containing the marginal prescribed percentage of milk alter and sold not fat (Goff and Griffth, 2006).Milk is a dynamically balanced mixture and is also a perishable food. It is one of few foods consumed in the natural form throught the world. Milk contain 87% water 3. 9% fat, 3. 3% protein, 5% lactose and 0. 7% ash. Milk supply body building protein, rig out forming minerals, health giving vitamin and energy giving lactose and milk fat. Besides providing certain essential rich sulphurouss it contain all essential amino acid. All the properties of milk make it an important food for growe children, adults, adolescents, invalid, convalescents and patients (Khan et al., 2005).There is a great potential for dairy manufacturing but the sector operates mostly in the informal economy and needs a constituents effort to formalize and be able to contribute better to the national economy. There are nearly 5. 5 million underage dental plate rural units owing less than 6 dairy herds. These teeny dairy holders produce 65% of all buffalos and cows milk. bulge out of total milk produced, 97% is in the informal sector (i. e. loose milk consumed in the resolution and or sold in the cities through Gawalas in unhygienic condition and without any quality standard). The small scale milk collector collect 200-400 kg milk per day from polar villages. Medium scale milk collectors collect 400-800 kg milk per day in a manner similar to the small milk collectors, but on a large scale, Large scale milk collectos collect 5-to 10 tons milk per day and supply milk the dairy factories (Garci a et al, 2003). There are hardly 15 milk processing plant (mainly UHT fluid milk, milk powder and yoghurt in Pakistan). Only closely 3 % milk is being processed and 97% is consumed as a raw milk (Malik, 2008).Milk and milk products are one of the most important food products with livestock origin which enjoy finicky significance in terms of its various nutritional properties such as protein, lactose, fat, minerals and vitamins. Many studies have been made on its constituents and physiochemical characteristics (Walstra et al,1999).Adulteration of milk and dairy products is one of the most serious issues in the dairy industry and causes economic losses and major health problem to consumers. Due to the limited number of large dairy farms, milk handling process in the traditional system are unhygienic and there is inferior enforcement of standards, resulting in poor quality of milk products. In order to keep the milk safe, liaison add ice to the milk, in addition microbiological con tamination occur due to addition of ice in the milk. The middleman increases the milk quality by adding water, vegitable oil, milk whey powder and other ingredients to increase the soilds of milk. Antibiotics and Hydrogen peroxide are often used as a preservatives (Garcia et al, 2003).The adulteratings in milk include water, starch, whey poxder, veggie oil and hazourds substance such as antibiotics, caustic soda, urea, formaline, detergents and other chemicals preservatives. Adulteration in milk is a very serious issues in Pakistan. Keeping in view these facts, the present will be planned.ObjectivesTo study the Physio-chemicals and microbiological quality of dairy products.To determine the adulterants and residues in the dairy products.To determine the relationship of physio-chemical parameters with adulterants.To make recommendation to the Govt of Punjab in the subdue of adulterants in milk and other food products.Review of publicationsA study conducted on physiochemical qualit y of UHT milk produced from whole milk powder and stored at 4C and 25C for 48 seconds. They observed that non protein nitrogen content of UHT milk increased while pH decreased with store and the rate of change being greater at higher storage temperature. Sediment increased with longer storage period, but independent of storage temperature. With longer storage at both 3+-1 C and 25-+ 1C, greater sediment and lower pH were observed in UHT milk processed from older milk powder. The development of off relishs increased in UHT milk with a prolong storage period (Ernani et al, 1997).Kuo et al. 2001 canvas the effect of heat treatments on the meltability of cheeseflower. They studied cheddar cheese of different composition and low-moisture. give up samples were het up to 60C and held for 0, 10 and 20 min before allowing the melted cheese to flow. Mean meltabilities, over all ages of both Cheddar and Mozrella cheeses decreased significantly as property time increased. Meltability of young cheese was scarcely affected by the holding time, in contrast to that of the old cheese where increasing the holding time greately reduced meltability.Khan (2004) studied the physio-chemicals changes in UHT bottled milk and found that effect of treatments and storage on sedimentation, fat, pH, acidity and SNF was highly significant. Maaximum sedimentation was observed after 12 weeks of storage, pH gradually decreased and minimum value were found after 12 weeks. Maximum acidity was found after 12 weeks and minimum was noted in the first week.Kumar and Mishara (2004), studied the effect of stabilizer addition on physiochemical, sensory, textural properties and stater culture counts of mango tree soy milk fortified yoghurt (MSFY). Three stabilizer namely gelatin, pectin and sodium alginate were used. The addition rate of stabilizer was 0. 2%, 0. 4% and 0. 6% w/w. Significant effect of type and addition rate on acidity, msture content and total solids ofMSFY were observed. Synere sis and acetaldehyde content of MSFY was reduced significantly. Lightness and yellowness of MSFY increased with gelatin and decreased with pectin and sodium alginate. Gelatin gave better effect on appearance and color, body and texture, flavor and overall acceptability in comparision with other stabilizer at 0. 4 % addition rate. Hardness, cohesiveness and bond certificate of MSFY increased up to 0. 4 % stabilizer addition, while springiness and gumminess did not follow any trend. There was a significant effect of stabilizer addition on Streptococcus thermophillus and lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus counts.Griffiths et al 1988, manufacture low heat play out milk powder from raw farm bulk tank and scanery silo milk which had been stored at 2C for 24 and 72 hours. During the storage period psychrotroph count increased by about 1log cycle after 24 hour aand 2 log cycle after 72 hours. There was no increase in thermoduric or spore counts of the milk under these storage co ndition. The powder construct from these milk was unspoilt bacteriological quality and conformed to ADMI recommendations regarding moisture content, titratable acidity and solubility. They concluded that storage of raw milk at 2 C had no deterintal effect on the heat stability of the powder manufacture from it when reconstituted to both 9 and 22% total solid concentrations.Molska et al 2003 studied the microbiological quality of kefir (61 samples) and yoghurt (92 samples) purchased in retail network in Warsaw. The total number of bacteria in at least 90% of yoghurt and 73% of kefir was in the range of 10(7)-10(9) cfu/g. The domestic group of bacteria in kefir were mesophilic lactic acid streptococci and in yoghurt S. thermophillus. The number of L. delbrueckii in 40 % of sample was less than 10(7) cfu/g. More than 86 % of kefir and 97 % of yoghurt analysed were free from coliform bacteria., B. cereus, mould and yeast. About 48 % of kefir samples did not fulfilled the FAO/WHO requi rements concerning the number of yeast.Kessel et al 2004, determine the test for standard plate count (SPC) and fecal coliforms in the bulk tank milk in the inited state. As part of the 2002 check into, 861 bulk tank milk sample were collected from farms in 21 states, coliform were sight in 95 % samples. There were no apparent relationship between SPC and incidence of salmonella or L. monocytogenes. Although the prevalence of L. monocytogenes and salmonella was low, these pathogens represent a potential risk to consumers of raw milk and raw milk products.Nero et al 2004 condcted a study to avaluate the microbiological quality and the presence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. In the raw milk produced in 210 small and medium farms located in four important milk producing Brazilian states. In 66% of the selected farms the milkng was manual. In 33 % of them, the milking was semi-automatic and only 1 % were equipped wit hfully automatic milking systems. All raw milk sampl es were negative for L. monocytogenes and salmonella spp. Mesophilic aerobes counts were higher than 105 CFU /ml in 75. 7% of the samples. In 80. 4%, coliforms were over 102CFU /ml. Escherichia coli were detected in 36. 8% of the samples.Aygun et al 2005 purchased 50 randomly selected samples of Carra cheese, raw milk cheese, from different retail markets in the Antakya region and were investigated for microbiological quality and some chemical analyses. In their samples, the number of microorganisms were found as follows Staphylococcus aureus 2. 51* 103 cfu/g, coliform 1. 02*104 cfu/g, E. coli 4. 27*103 cfu/g, Salmonella were not detected in any of the samples. Mean moisture, salt and fat content of Carra cheese were found as 41. 26%, 7. 82% and 26. 77% respectively. The pH value of the samples varied b/w 4. 53 and 6. 32 with the mean of 5. 24. The microbiological decision showed the presence of high counts of microorganisms investigated and the poor hygienic quality of Carra chees e.Little et al 2008 determined the microbiological quality of two retail fresh ripened and semi hard cheeses made from raw, thermized or pasteurized milk. Raw or thermized milk cheeses were of unsatisfactory quality due to level of Staphylococcus aureus st 104 cfu/g, E. coli at 105 cfu/g, whereas pasteurized milk cheeses were of unsatisfactory quality due to S. aureus at 103 cfu/g and E. coli at 103 cfu/g. Salmonella was not detected in any samples. They emphasize the need for applying and maintaining good hygeinc practices throught the food chain to prevent contamination and bacterial growth. Labelling of cheeses with clear information on whether the cheese was disposed(p) from raw milk also requires improvement.Sheppard et al 1985 demonstrated the application of various analytical methods to the detection, identification and quantitation of vegetable oil adulteration o ice cream. Total fat content, sterol, long and chain fatty acid, vit E, Reichert Meissle determine and Polenske values were measured in ice cream. All method except total fat last were capable of detecting vegetable oil adulteration. Sterol determination was the most effective and versatile mensuration because it provided information not only on the detection and extent of adulteration but also on the possible identity of the adulterant.Fox et al 1988, depict a test for routine screening of Mozzarrella Cheese and butter for vegetable fat adulteration. Fat is extracted and sponified. The potassium salts of the fatty acids are measured through turn to gas chromatographic analysis. A ratio, calculated from the concentration of butyric acid and oleic acid is used to avaluate the puroty of the samples. The test offers good precision and can detect less than 10% partially hydrogenated vegetable fat.Kumar et al 2002, report that adulteration in milk and milk products has reached an alarming stage. Milk fat is being mixed or replaced with cheaper vegetable oil. Therefore, often more than one tes t has to be employed to confirm the purity of milk fat. The various method for the detection of adulteration in milk at is based on the sensual properties, chemical properties and presence or absence of specific constituents of either milk fat or adulterant fats.Jha and Matsuoka 2004, conducted a study on the adulteration of natural milk by synthetic milk, prepared by mixing appropriate amount of vegetable oil, urea, detergent powder /shampoo, caustic soda, sugar /salt and skim milk powder to water. Detection of adulterants is difficult by a single method and sometimes more than two methods are required to confirm the presence. The potential of near-infrared spectroscopy were investigated (NIRS) in the wavelength range of 700-1124. 8 nm. stuff and nonsense And MethodsCollection of SamplesThe dairy products samples will be collected from the market and then analysis will be performed at Dairy Laboratory, National Institute of Food cognizance Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.ButterButter samples of three different brand namely Gourmet, haleeb and Nurpur Dairies will be collected. Three samples from each brand will be collected.Youghurt yoghurt samples of three different brands namely Gourmet, haleeb and Nurpur Dairies will be collected. Three samples from each brand will be collected.CheeseCheese samples of three different brands namely Adams, Military dairy Factory and Nurpur Dairies will be collected. Three samples from each brand will be collected.Milk PowderMilk Powder samples of three different brands namely Gourmet, haleeb and Nurpur Dairies will be collected. Three samples from each brand will be collected.UHT milkUHT milk samples of three different brands namely Gourmet, haleeb and Nurpur Dairies will be collected. Three samples from each brand will be collected.Sampling ProcedureDairy product samples will be collected in clean sterilized container and put in ice chest, whereas milk powder will be collected in zip polyethylene bag. Th ese samples will be transported for analysis to the Dairy Laboratory, National Institute of Food Science Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.SterilizationAll glassware like pipette, test tubes, petri dishes, beaker and flasks will be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized in an oven at 180 C for 2 hours. All media and solution will be prepared in distilled water and autoclaved at 121 C at 15 Ib pressure for 15 min using the procedure of AOAC (2000).Physiochemical TestThe samples will be subjected to different physic-chemical test which are detailed as under.Melting exemption and Melting QualityMelting Resistance and Melting Quality will be determined by the method as prescribed by Bhadari(2001).FatFat will be determined by using Gerber method as draw by the Kirk and sawyer (1991).pHThe pH of all the treatments will be determined according to AOAC (2000) method no. 981. 12.Moisture and ashAll the treatments will be analyzed for moisture and ash according to their respecti ve methods mentioned in AOAC (2000).Total solidsTotal solids called percent residues will be determined by drying the sample in hot air oven according to method described in AOAC (2000).ProteinProtein content will be determined by using Kjeldhal method as described by AOAC (2000).Microbiological TestDairy products samples will be tested for total plate counts, Coliform counts, Staphyloccus aureus and Yeast and modeling count by the method prescribed by AOAC (2000).Chemicals Adulterants Detection TestDairy products samples will be tested for the adulterants namely Formaldehyde, Boric acid, Hydrogen peroxide, Starch, Neutralizers (Sodium carbonate, bicarbonates, Sodium hydroxide by the method prescribed by AOAC (2000).Statistical analysisResults will be analyzed statistically to determine the level of significance (Steel et al., 1997).Literature CitedAnonymous, (2008). 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