
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Discovery and Meaningful Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discovery and purposeful Learning - evidence ExampleThe sessions of discovery breeding incorporate three key ideas including problem solving, discoverer management, integrating and connecting (Harari & Legge, 2000, p. 20). caper solving motivates learners to come up with solutions by generalizing knowledge and pull information together. Learner management allows participants, in small teams, or al hotshot to learn at their own pace in their own ways. integration and connecting encourage new knowledge integration into the existing knowledge base of the learner, which helps in connecting to the real world. Meaningful Learning According to Harari and Legge (2000), significant tuition means that learned knowledge, for instance, a fact becomes fully silent by a person and the person knows how the fact relates to the stored facts in the mind-set. It is expedient to contrast meaningful learning and rote learning learning, which is much less desirable, for us to understand the conc ept. Rote learning involves memorizing something with no full understanding, and hotshot does non know how the kin between the new information and the stored knowledge. For instance, let us say we learn five facts in a course during a term or a semester through rote learning. The five facts learned have a relationship in real life, but they are stored in retentivity as separate items. The brain stores the facts as distinct unrelated information that can be retreated individually when a student learns them through rote learning. When the student recalls one of the five facts, he, or she does not recall the other four facts at that moment. This means that when the student thinks of fact A, the thought does not winding him/her to think of fact B-E. We can illustrate this as follows. The facts learned seem to have no relationship between them at all, yet close examination reveals a relationship of the facts. Meaningful learning contrasts with rote learning in that what a student l earns, even if they are different facts in a course, he/she can relate as the facts have a relational manner in the storage memory. The brain stores the facts together since they have relationship (Harari & Legge, 2000, p. 37). When the student recalls one of the facts, he or she will also recall the other facts at the same time, or a short time afterwards. This means that recalling fact E, triggers the memory for the other facts, B and D, which in turn leads to the recalling of fact A and C. We refer to this phenomenon as spread of activation. This is what entails meaningful learning. A student who learns by meaningful learning can solve problems in an easier way than the one who learns by rote learning. Thus, we find the value of meaningful learning a way of learning that relates facts serving one to solve problems related rather than treating problems differently, which have a relationship. The figure below shows how meaningful learning happens. Discovery learning makes sure tha t the brains of the learners become engaged during all learning times. Thus, this learning method, although it accelerates the process of education, it leads to higher(prenominal) retention levels than traditional approaches of learning. There are certain benefits of discovery learning including condensed training

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