
Friday, April 26, 2019

Decadal Behaviour of Sand Bars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Decadal Behaviour of Sand interdict - Essay ExampleThe scope of the material I gave a 15/25 and the structured subscriber line received a 8/15. The reason for such a low score was that the report seemed to be a conglomeration of research and facts precisely it was not cohesive at all. The message of the paper was unreadable or non-existent. The report did not show how the information related back to the abstract, and the information seemed to be presented in such a way that the writer of the paper was listing facts concerning the different bars, but that was all that was listed. thither seemed to be a total lack of explanations or arguments throughout the entire paper, although there was definitely adapted evidence to support the arguments if any had been made. It was nice to find that there was that large amount of information available, but it would have served a better purpose if that information had been presented in a way that would lead the commentator to a conclusion.The paper itself was very informative, but was also difficult to read. I gave the paper 20/25 points for the information even though there was no flow to the paper. There was (as I stated before) a plethora of information to whet the readers appetite. It was disheartening to not enjoy the full meal.The structure of this pa

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