
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Research on the major developments that contributed to the modern Paper

On the major developments that contributed to the modern model of wellness insurance - Research Paper ExampleMajor developments in health insurance include but are not limited to the Hill-Burton operation of 1946 and the HMO Act of 1973. The Hill-Burton Act of 1946 is directed at offering loans and federal grants in order to improve the physical plant of the hospital system in the nation. Another name for the Hill-Burton Act is the Hospital Survey and Construction Act. Since their start, the Democrats and the Republicans designed the HMOs with a view to eliminating the individual health insurance. The HMO Act was proposed by President Nixon and was passed by the Congress in 1973. The HMO Act of 1973 established new and more cost effective health coverage which had accomplished only a little portion of the market until then. The only main HMO till 1969 was Kaiser Permanente closely of whose members would join only through unions (Holleran, 1999). The HMO Act together with Medica re ultimately eradicated the affordable individual health insurance

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